Sunday, July 5, 2009

Flow: An Art Exhibition About North Shore Mountain Biking

Right now, up until August 2nd, there's an exhibition on at Presentation House Gallery revolving around mountain biking on the North Shore. Not only have they called in some fantastic photographers to show their goods, but they've also built some serious terrain...inside the gallery! The best part is, all the terrain is fully ride-able! It look like a great show, and I'll definitely be heading up there to check it out myself.

There's a ton of photos of the construction of the indoor terrain features on this here blog. Super cool stuff!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One Week Until Gastown Sprints 2!

Seven days from now, on the 8th of July, it will be time to duke it out on the rollers again. The Gastown Sprints organizers have informed us that all the technical difficulties have been worked out, and that races will begin on time this time around.

Races will begin at 9:30pm, so be there by 9 if you want to race. As always, Gastown Sprints will take place at Pub 340. Be there!